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I am an Accidental Librarian

I am Canadian. Lover of books, crocheting and television.

Currently reading

No One Else Can Have You
Kathleen Hale
Progress: 20 %

Greta and the Goblin King

Greta and the Goblin King - Chloe Jacobs Whoa that was awesome. Greta and Isaac I think i'm inlove. Can you be my new bffs? Review to come. ^.^
Scaredy Squirrel Prepares for Christmas: A Safety Guide for Scaredies - Mélanie Watt Rating: 3 1/2 birch leaves out of 5Recommends: For children ages 6 to 8I started out thinking this was going to be a short quick read, but once starting and seeing all the chapters I knew I was in for quite a little sit down. I dove into this book not knowing what to expect thinking maybe its a story about an average squirrel, but further insight I got a fun quirky and very interactive book for children to read and participate in. The safety guidelines were very well put together and thought through. The interactive sections were engrossing and had good questionnaires and quizzes to them. Scaredy Squirrel Prepares for Christmas is also really great for the holidays especially since Christmas is approaching and can help your children get involved in decorating and baking with safeness and awareness that it is not always safe. This book is great in a subliminal way (in this case it is good) to show children the proper safety techniques in a fun unintentional way. Much like cartoons did for years.Great book for comedy, safety awareness and interactions.
Preloved - Shirley Marr You and Fury will be in my arms soon prettehs...soon. You've been warned.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star - Kate Toms Really catchy and holds my nieces attention quite well
Valkyrie Rising - Ingrid Paulson That was quite enjoyable. And so refreshing to read about Norse mythology for a change instead of Greek. Actual rating 4.75
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly - Kate Toms Really catchy and holds my nieces attention quite well.
Give Up the Ghost - Megan Crewe actual rating 2 1/2
Get Even - Gretchen McNeil Hmmmm...This sounds an awfully lot like League of Strays? yes, no?
A Traitor's Bond - Alyson Siobhan I just have to for loyalty. She lives in Owen Sound and her mother was my music teacher all through grade school.
Unwind - Neal Shusterman I just ordered you and i'm going to see what all the hype is about. Hopefully its all good ^_^
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo WEEEOOOT Just preordered you bitch! You are about to meet your maker this week. (hopefully it comes. Our postal service is about as effective as tits on bull)

Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days Series #1)

Angelfall  - Susan Ee HOLY EFFING CHRIST I'm in love in love i tell you Raffe Raffe! if only you were real

In the After

In the After (In the After #1) - Demitria Lunetta MUAHAHAHAHHA I have you now. Thank you, thank you Edelweiss and HarperCollins.
Stormdancer - Jay Kristoff WAAAAAAAAHHHH I just went to preorder you and your $28.99 WHAT!!!!! Curse you, you stupid Canadaian/American dollar difference. Why do i always have to suffer:(
Touch of Power - Maria V. Snyder WOW Wow wow sooooo goooooooood. Loved it thats all i can say.
Scent of Magic  - Maria V. Snyder AAAAAAHHHHH Its got a cover........wait we have to wait til 2013 Waaaaaaah thats so far away:(. come out already I need you.